Thursday, February 9, 2012


Since I've started playing the role of mortician's wife, I've asked this question a lot. Seriously? I said it in my previous post, I love that people know the May name. Just this evening the receptionist at H&R Block told Holwell that he looked like his grandpa. I could tell by the way he lit up that it just made his day. HOWEVER, I do not love when strange people come knocking on my door at 6:45 AM! Seriously?! And this is not the first time that someone has come to our HOME to do business with the funeral home. That's why we have phones people. 
Also, we were just about to watch our weekly episode of Jersey Shore when the funeral home phone rang. It's set up to be forwarded to our house and Holwell's grandma's house so that it always gets answered. Of course someone had died and Holwell had to go pick up the body in Columbia. This time it was his turn to say, "Seriously?! Why do people have to die?". Obviously, that second part was jokingly, as without dead people, we'd kinda go out of business. Holwell loves his Jersday though, and was not happy that he had to put it off. 
Oh the joys. I have a feeling I'll be asking this question a lot through the years and look forward to the crazy situations that inspire it!

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