Sunday, November 17, 2013

What I learned from Ke$ha and the Westboro Baptist Church

Recently I was flipping channels and came across "Ke$ha: My Crazy Beautiful Life" on MTV. If you're not familiar, it is a reality tv series following the popular singer. I'd never watched the show before and as there wasn't anything else on really, decided to see how what this chick was all about. I may have ended up watching more than I intended just out of sheer boredom and was intrigued when the next episode came on and ended up featuring the lovely Westboro Baptist Church. Obviously pure sarcasm.

First let me start by saying that I would not consider Ke$ha an ideal role model. As you may or may not know, she is basically anti-role model. She sings about getting thoroughly and completely wasted at parties, having sex, smoking marijuana and anything else that you would consider to be the opposite of anyone I would want my future child to look up to.

I'd also like to mention that although I completely disagree with her lifestyle, showing up at her concert with signs of hate in protest are just not mah thang. I do not defend or back the Westboro Baptist Church, nor do I agree with many of their interpretations of the Bible, including that God hates anyone but the devil. Just wanted to be clear!

Ok, on to what I learned. In the episode, the church shows up at one of her concert. As the church outside shouts words of hate and damnation, we see Ke$ha's reaction inside the venue. Ke$ha takes the stage in her skimpy leotard and addresses the crowd. (Paraphrased)
"Outside there is a church protesting this concert. I just wanted to thank you for coming and let you know that I love you. I love you all just as you are. I want you to know that you can be who you are with me."
And begins to sing her popular song, "We R Who We R".

This statement nearly brought me to tears. Clearly Ke$ha ain't no saint, but Jesus said something very similar. He just wants as to come as we are and be in His presence. He did not call us to condemn or hate. He called us to be the light of the world, to show the love of God. It's very sad to me that people are finding more acceptance and love with a secular singer who lives a dangerous and sinful life, rather than with God's people.

The Westboro Baptist Church does not represent the entirety of the organized Christian Church. But society seems to think they do. And if the rest of us don't step up our love game, society will continue to find "love" in the arms of singers like Ke$ha, celebrities, actors, bars, alcohol, drugs and "doing what feels right". Because these things can only imitate true love.

As Christians, let's choose to love the Godly way. Let's choose to be the light and not cast a judging glare. I cannot do what God can with a heart that He has created, all I can do is shine the light to lead the way back to Him.

P.S. If you're reading this, I love you and so does Jesus ;-)


  1. Beautifully said!!

    1. Sorry it took me a week to respond, but wanted to say thank you very much!
